Monday 26 August 2013


I remember you, Himalayas
It feels like only yesterday, when,
 I first felt your presence.
You stood there in the darkness-
still, imposing, and mysterious.
I was awed, and speechless.

Your overpowering, magnetic pull gripped me all through the night.
And next morning,
when I wanted to catch a glimpse of you,
you were covered in mist
It was all white.

And yet, I could feel your energy,
it moved me strangely.

Slowly, the mist gave way,
and you appeared,
as mesmerizing as you looked in the darkness.

I was transfixed, beyond time and space,
On a different plain.

And, after all these years,
far away from you,
I only have to close my eyes, and wait for the mist to clear away.


  1. Just like any sweet memories, ur poem took me a ride thru the mesmerizing beauty on earth...kip going

  2. Thank you sweetheart...for all the inspiration..:)
